This week Karen joins a star-studded line-up of industry speakers set to inspire young creatives from around the globe at at Creative LIAisons 2017.
Creative LIAisons is LIA’s way of giving back. By refraining from a fancy award show the whole budget goes to organizing this amazing event for young creatives.
“We are very happy to have Karen in Las Vegas this year. All of our 2017 speakers have one thing in common. They all believe that the investment that LIA makes in Creative LIAisons is an invaluable investment in the future of the industry,” said Barbara Levy, President of LIA.
Throughout the three-day event Karen will be taking part the "Woman's Journey" panel and will also be attending the women’s brunch for the young industry executives (21 to 30) from around the world where they will be having a frank conversation about gender inequality and how we can help each other. Finally, Karen has been invited to give a talk entitled, "Fourteen Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me."
To have Karen speak at your next event, click here.