The memory of that other famous ad misogynist, Neil French came back in rush when I read about JWT's Martinez under fire. A chill went down my spine. Yet again, an extremely high-profile, globally recognized ad exec – this time Gustavo Martinez – is accused of harassing women. The inappropriate and unwanted physical touching, was accompanied with talk of "rape" and the need for "hog-tying". Then it was followed by the requisite glass ceiling blocking opportunities and limiting financial remuneration. It's something every woman in this business has experienced. I have. And we can't overlook the litany of racist vitriol either. Why do we continue to tolerate this abhorrent behaviour in our business? The corporate wagons circled around Martinez so fast it made my head spin. Perhaps this helps explain why there are so few women in the senior ranks of our business. Maybe it sheds light on why only 3% of the creative directors are women. Is this why minorities of all kinds, remain minorities in this business? It's a sorry week for advertising.