Spent most of today looking at work but managed to get in a couple of sessions, and the recurring themes are thus: the crisis of consumer trust, transparency, and the return of the emphasis on creative versus data. Amen to that.
Watched Embracing the Future
Interesting talk about where healthcare is going. “Digi-ceuticals” are rapidly augmenting pharmaceuticals.
How Creativity Can Save Our Oceans.
I’ve long said that creativity can heal the world. This fascinating session covered the fact that our fishing stocks are 90% depleted and our oceans are choking in plastic. The solutions are complex and require a multi-pronged attack that includes increased recycling, protecting more areas of the ocean, applying pressure to government and business for change, eating sustainably, and much, much more. Then I walked into the Palais right past a water cooler with throwaway plastic cups beside it. Sigh.
Best Quote of the Week Regarding Branding
Goes to Conan O’Brien, “My brand is myself, I’ve been working on this brand since I was born…I don’t need a team to explain it to me.”
What About Instagram TV?
I went to Facebook Beach to find out more but they were as surprised by the news as the rest of us. I think it will be an incredible creative opportunity.
Martin's Back
After being ousted from WPP, Martin Sorrell is here speaking. Yawn. I didn’t attend.
Globe and Mail Canada Beach Party
Attended the wonderful Canada Beach Party hosted by Andrew Saunders of the Globe and Mail. Also on deck was the hard-working crew from Brunico’s Strategy magazine and the wonderfully talented Ian Mackellar from Innocean.
Speaking of Canada, the world is in love with us right now, so wear that maple leaf proudly.