Day 1 - Cannes 2021: Packvertising, Shoppertainment and more.

2020 was the year that changed everything.  Every Cannes Lions speaker and topic explored how the plague has changed our lives, our expectations and our business. The Covid-driven ascendancy of virtual extends to almost every aspect of our life.

In McKinsey’s Creative Crossover session, Futurist Tracy Fellows observed that during Covid the gamer’s world became our world. Virtual experience replaced real ones.

Big Day One themes include sustainability, climate change, and plastic, plastic, PLASTIC. NFTs made an appearance, as predicted. 

Standout creative:

We ingest 100,000 pieces of microplastics a year – the equivalent of a credit card every week. This shocking fact was revealed by World Wildlife Federation. The Credit Card Diet champions the need for a global policy to reduce plastics and brings it to life in an unforgettable way.

NotPla technology makes plastic packaging disappear by creating it from seaweed instead. Genius.

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Shift4Payments CEO Jared Isaacman bought all four spaces on Elon Musk’s upcoming first all-civilian mission to space and used them as the world’s most unique fundraiser.

Its commercial was first for travel to space and opened new territory for brands. “Brands will compete on an intergalactic scale now.” Ross Martin CEO of Known, the agency for Inspiration4.


Carla Buzasi WGSN on consumer trends.

We are craving certainty in an uncertain time. It has led to the rise of nostalgia. We seek the games and food of our childhood, when things were more predictable.

Companies noted a 48% increase in productivity during Covid. Yet some boom towns turned to gloom towns. Culture shifted. Those who could not get a seat at the table decided instead to build their own table. Support local became paramount. We have an increased sense of community.

“Shoppertainment” has become increasingly important with the shift from in-store shopping to online. During Covid people shopped for entertainment and that trend is expected to continue.

“Packvertising” is the newest buzzword. Packaging now flexes its muscles and helps with the heavy lifting of brand building.

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Your desk is a dangerous place according to Unilever’s Connie Braams. Marketers need a bigger view of the world. The post-Covid reality? Business as usual is over. More than ever is expected of brands.


WaterLight by Edina leads the clean energy revolution by converting saltwater to electrical power. It’s sustainable. All you need is ½ litre of salt water for 45 days of electricity. Brilliant.


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Neil Lindsay from Amazon and Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens author) on what a brand is:
Nations, money, gods, religions...they’re all brands. They’ re a result of storytelling. What holds human beings unique from all other mammals is their ability to co-operate with each and create a system. That is what builds cathedrals and hospitals and creates art and inspires crusades.  


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In China 25% of TikTok users are now 40+. Are we seeing a social platform shift that will extend across the globe?


Work I am glad to see awarded at Cannes this year:
Ogilvy’s Dove Courage is Beautiful. I’m not biased because it’s Canadian. It’s because it’s wonderful.