Cannes Day 2: NFTs. Hacking. Climate Anxiety. Crocs.

What the NFT Revolution Means for Brands
Emerging themes of Cannes include Web3, the Metaverse and NFTs, and what that will mean for brands. Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of VaynerX and Swan Sit shared insights on how the blockchain world will transcend the vanity metrics of reach and GRPs of TV commercials. Smart brands will need to jump in but do so in a meaningful way. Paris Hilton mostly rearranged her skirt and did the hard sell for her businesses. Interesting to note that Gucci has taken on one of her digital characters as their spokes-icon. Vaynerchuk pointed out the nostalgic resurgence of brands like Crocs and Gumby, thanks to the NFT orbit. Some would debate the need for a Croc afterlife but I digress.


Hack it all!  
Hackvertising continues to have a moment.  From Burger King’s Whopper + McFries where you can get McD’s fries delivered along with a Whopper to hacktivism by Hackmarket, which encourages refurbishing phones over buying new ones. They hacked iStores when buyers were at the point-of-purchase to compel them to reconsider.

The most influential newspaper was the one that wasn’t printed
Activations leapfrog passivity by leveraging all senses. They also offer the power of shared community experience. The Elections Edition was a brilliant use of newspaper that never got printed. When the Lebanese leader threatened election delay over a lack of paper and ink for ballots, An-Nahar Newspaper ceased printing for one day and donated the ink and paper to produce the needed election ballots. 

Creativity fuels Growth.
Great creative feels personal, conveys performance and builds partnerships. It becomes a force for growth and societal good according to P&G CMO Marc Pritchard. His track record of awarded work on big tough brands like Tide, Gain and Pamper proves his point.


Quote of the Day
“History is pattern recognition,” Gary Vaynerchuk, “NFTs today are the Twitter and social media of yesterday – they are underestimated.”


Buzzword of the Day